Standing in the popular place to stare into our house at my children.
Man with drone in backpack
Checking the gps locator
Mr Wonderful. Policeman. Hopeless man
Mr Wonderful again on a different day
Hopeless policewoman.
Car that terrified my son
Policeman disappointed at not finding something that never existed
Policeman who seems to think bending down will hide him as he raced into position.
Policewoman who followed my children on a trip now visit my home
Car for a police child abuser (alleged)
Hello again local child abusers (alleged)
Local child abusers (alleged)
Car of a local child abuser alleged
Having a good look at my children you disgusting child abuser (alleged)?
Undercover Police child abuser (alleged) at my house
Undercover Police child abuser (alleged) at my house
Local child abuser (alleged)
Two local child abusers (alleged)
Their house
Child abuser car (alleged)
Child abuser (alleged)
Police child abuser (alleged)
Local child abusers car (alleged)
Local child abusers (alleged)
Child abuser (alleged)
Child abuser (alleged)
Local child abuser (alleged)
Local child abuser (alleged)
Local child abusers residence (alleged)
Item title
Local child abusers (alleged)
City of London alleged child abuser.
City of London
City of London
Oxford Rd Xmas Lights trip ruined by disgusting child abusers (alleged) following us everywhere causing my son to get anxious and want to go home. This lady is a plain clothes policewoman who followed us around.